Author name: IAQS


Research Paper Summary

Introduction Quantitative Easing (QE) was a rarely used in the 20th century but in recent years it has come into […]


Industry Academia Partnership

IAQS-Patkar Varde College collaborates with global professional services firm Marsh McLennan, To Offer Mentorship via paid internships to Students Mr.

Insurance Blog Banner

Say ‘I DO’ to Insurance?

“Matches can be made in heaven but the celebration of those can literally empty out your pockets.” The holy ritual of weddings is an integral part of human civilization.


Crowdfunding: The Joy of Giving

“It is in giving that we receive” said Francis of Assisi. The joy of giving is the essence of philanthropy and crowdfunding has been influential in promoting philanthropy among citizens.

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The Answer? Neo banks.

The disruptor is here! We might have murmurs of the new concept prevailing in the finance industry, Neo Banks.

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